You may be able to sit with us, but you can't despair with us — we're seasoned professionals.
Welp, we made it folks. Another week in the books. And what have we learned?
Well, that just won't do at all. Let's edu-tain ourselves, shall we?
On this day (presuming you're reading this post on April 12th) in 1811 the first colonists arrived at Cape Disappointment, WA. Seriously! The comically-named Cape Disappointment was so-designated by British fur trader John Meares, who had sailed down the Pacific northwest coast looking for trade before turning back a little too soon and missing the mouth of the Columbia River. Not enough stamina, John. SAD.
In 1864 Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest captured Fort Pillow in Tennessee. Fort Pillow? Hardly seems challenging, Nate.
In 1955 Dr. Jonas Salk's discovery of the polio vaccine is announced. Given the recently announced reunion tours of The Measles, Whooping Cough, and other Viral Invasion bands of yesteryear I fully expect The Rolling Polios to make a comeback in 2019, too. Sorry, Jonas! We have the facts and we're (still) voting NO on Science.
In 1961 Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to orbit Earth. At least he got to come back down. Poor Laika the space dog! #NeverForget
Anyhoo, despite a hectic start to the week that kept me away from designing, I was still able to squeeze in a couple new ones; scroll up or down to take a gander! There's You Can't Despair With Us up top, and Little Ray Of Moonshine below, along with some other recent additions. Enjoy!
Meredith and I also sat down for the podcast to chat about her recent trip to the dentist, engage in a spoiler-rich takedown of 2018 critical horror darling A Quiet Place (and if you're mad about spoilers and still haven't seen it, well...that's on you my friends. It premiered over a year ago), share a customer review, and I do a deep dive into the textbook definitions of psychopaths versus sociopaths to get a little clarity only to come back up gasping for air and even further away from understanding the differences than I was before researching them. All in a tidy 20 minutes! Give it a listen!
We'll be back next week on Tuesday with a new Boredwalk Community Q&A and design, and then again on Friday with more fun facts, new designs, and a fresh podcast episode featuring a guest! Until then...
Peace, love, and tacos,
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