Boredwalk Community: "All the Pain Is in the Resistance"

1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
My actual day job is school social worker; my dream job has changed over the years — started with rock star, then actor, now it's mattress tester (which I am pretty sure isn't a job for a human).
(Ed. note: it should be!)
2. What's your biggest pet peeve?
Getting behind people slower than me, either in traffic or even walking.
3. What do you do to unwind after a hectic day?
It usually includes loud music of some sort and perhaps a beverage or two.
4. What's the most useful piece of advice you've ever received?
There's been a couple:
• There are no right or wrong choices just actions and consequences.
• All the pain is in the resistance.
5. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
I'd probably want to be Spider-man because, um...why not? (Fair.)
6. You can curse your nemesis with a minor annoyance for eternity; what do you choose?
Flatulence at all the wrong times.
7. Clear up a misconception (about your job, where you are from, some other topic you know a lot about).
You can be anti-social and a social worker at the same time. (The more you know!)
8. Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you?
On Instagram @kregg123.
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