December 28, 2022
😒 I think I'm gonna sit this hand out...
I don't really know any card games, but one time Boredwalk co-founder Matt did try to teach me how to play poker. He used candy (Runts, to be precise) for the stake instead of money, so naturally I just kept eating all of the candy instead of betting it, and this is how I lost and was promptly ejected from the only game of poker I have ever played. Don't take me to Vegas, I am not fun to gamble with. (And I might eat your poker chips. They're made of salty potatoes, right?)
Me at the poker table wanting to know why the "chips" aren't the potato variety.
GIF via Gremlins (of course)
Today is also Call a Friend Day, an activity I also seldom get up to because I am not that into being on the phone, but also because I imagine people are busy and don't feel like talking on the phone either. Am I projecting? Quite possibly. But am I also going to avoid both card games* and phone calls today? Most definitely!
* I will play some games, but prefer the kind that are a little more creative or relational. Cards Against Humanity, you can hang. I bring this up because early next year we are releasing our first card deck product, which we have spent all week road testing with various friends who've come over for egg-less nog, coquito, and snacks. So far everyone has loved it, so I cannot wait to share it with all of you. I am confident you are going to enjoy it, especially if you generally dislike card games but are open to more creative or relational party games.
What happened on December 28ths of the past? Here are a few things:
• Born on this day: actor Denzel Washington (1954), singer-songwriter John Legend (1978), comic book writer Stan Lee (1922), and comedian Seth Meyers (1973)
• The first municipally owned streetcars in San Francisco went into service on this day in 1912
• Muriel Siebert became the first woman to own a seat on the New York Stock Exchange on this day in 1967
Alright, you've waited long enough — on to the links!
A heartwarming story about a rescue monkey who finds love and friendship with some other rescue critters
The Boredwalk team talks about who earned a lump of coal this year. They've also been posting funny videos on Tiktok, Instagram or Youtube so be sure to follow!
Is this funny short video based on a true story? You decide!
Every year Drew Magary utterly shreds the Williams-Sonoman catalog and it's always hilarious. I generally enjoy Drew's writing and have read some of his books. If you're a fan of dystopian sci-fi, his novel Postmortal is a must-read.
I don't much like this policy, but what can you do?
OK! We'll be back here in your inbox on Friday with more nonsense holidays to dissect, more notable birthdays (and maybe even some notable deathdays!) to celebrate, and more witty content in general. Don't miss it! Until next time...
Peace, love, and chips,
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