December 15, 2021

These cats aren't gonna herd themselves! 😾


Happy Cat Herders Day! Today's occasion recognizes those whose life or job is "like herding cats." Incidentally, my life AND my job are like herding cats! I spend my days wrangling suppliers, technology, an ever growing team, and my evenings trying to herd my actual cat who is as slobby and unruly as he is adorable.

 Cats Playing With Records

Just look at these cute little chaos goblins!

Today is also National Cupcake Day and International Tea Day, a very convenient confluence of celebration, since cupcakes are the perfect addition to a tea party.

This is normally the part of the email where I'd tell you about famous birthdays, but there just aren't any exciting ones for December 15th, so instead I will share a couple of semi-interesting historical facts about December 15th.

  • Today in 1791 the first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States, known as the Bill of Rights, became law.
  • Today in 1933 the Twenty-first Amendment to the U.S. Constitution came into effect, repealing alcohol prohibition. Just in time for the holidays!
  • It was also on this day in 1939 that cinematic classic Gone With the Wind premiered, and in 1955 Johnny Cash released his single "Folsom Prison Blues."

Now let's get to some amusing links!

1. Enter a sentence, get a playlist

Will the play list be any good? Probably not. But can you entertain yourself trying to stump this robot with musical suggestions? Only one way to find out!

2. The real history of Santa Claus

YouTuber Zack Travis gives us an amusing and seasonally fitting history lesson.

3. WTF Facts is exactly what it sounds like

Did you know that Kanye West once spontaneously rapped his entire album to Seth Rogen in the back of a limousine while he sat in disbelief? It took him two hours. You can find more entertaining and unnecessary facts like this on WTF Facts Twitter.

4. A sommelier explains how the glass you drink from affects the wine-drinking experience

'Tis the season for entertaining, and who knew the vessel you serve your vino in matters so much? Get the facts and elevate your grape expectations, my friends.

5. ManWhoHasItAll flips the script on sexism

This LOL-worthy Twitter account takes on the misogynist commentary we all see in the zeitgeist and tries it out with the genders flipped. Probably my fave this week if I'm picking faves, so enjoy!

OK! Hopefully these little diversions helped to brighten your day! We'll be back here in your inbox on Friday with more entertainment and Boredwalk news! Until then...

Peace, love, and cat herding,
