Well this is awkward... 😬
Today's occasion is all about embracing our cringiest moments and I am here for it! As a humor enthusiast I must confess that I love an awkward moment. Being weirdos and laughing at ourselves is the one thing we can all bond over.
I am in the process of trying to hire people for Boredwalk this week, and it's definitely one of those times I'm at my most socially inept. I know job candidates get nervous in these scenarios, but in those moments I always have two parallel conversations going on. The one I'm having out loud in the interview and the one I'm having in my head. Am I saying too much? Not enough? Did the way I phrased that question make any sense? Did I forget to check to see if I had anything stuck in my teeth before I got on this call? Crap! I forgot to check! It's a real miracle I manage to hire anyone, and the bad news is I don't get less weird if you actually come to work with us.
As you can see up top, we've got a new product — a 3 piece set of clips you can use as fridge magnets/snack clips/bookmarks/paperwork organizers. They're real multitaskers!
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, which will be quite a bit since I can now finally replace the brittle, slowly disintegrating rubber bands in my pantry that I've been using to try to keep my half-eaten snacks from going stale.
A quick final note about our Quip Clips: this is an entirely new product type for Boredwalk. We have no idea if people will like them, so we had to be pretty conservative with our initial test run. We only have 250 sets. Like, in the entire world. If you like them, buy them and make us regret producing so few! Then we can order more for the next run, hopefully in large enough quantities that a robot can punch all the holes in those blister cards instead of me and Boredwalk co-founder Matt doing it manually at home while our cat Oliver shrieks at us relentlessly about how we're doing it wrong. Our hands are sore and achy!
Let's take out the flour and sugar (now beautifully sealed with fancy new Quip Clips) and bake some birthday cake for these March 18th celebrants:
• Rapper, actress, and singer Dana Elaine "Queen Latifah" Owens, born this day in 1970! Ms Owens has been cranking out hit singles since the late 1980s and has appeared in sitcoms such as Living Single and films such as Set it Off, Chicago, 22 Jump Street, and Stranger Than Fiction (one of my favorite movies of all-time).
• Actress/singer Vanessa Lynn Williams, born this day in 1963! Ms Williams was the first African American woman to receive the Miss America title, though she was forced to resign when nude photos of her surfaced shortly thereafter. Classic misogyny! Williams still went on to have a successful career, complete with chart topping singles, Grammy Award nominations, and roles in shows like Ugly Betty and Desperate Housewives.
Birthday shout outs also go to actor/singer/musician/Maroon 5 lead vocalist Adam Levine and 22nd/24th US President Grover Cleveland.
If you plan to stock up on Boredwalk goodies this weekend, don't forget to save 10% on orders of $100 or more when you use the code YAY10 at checkout!
Orders of $75 or more ship for free within the US — no code needed!
Alright! We'll be back in your inbox Monday with (hopefully) a new Boredwalk Community Q&A, more famous birthdays, a random holiday or two, and other assorted entertainment!
Until next time...
Peace, love, and awkward moments,
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