April 28, 2023

🤔 When I design products, I'm always thinking...



Matt and I think of product design a lot like musical artists probably think of constructing pop albums: the goal is to create a lot of singles, or in our case, best sellers. Those are the tracks that make all the money and make a name for the artists. However, if A-side singles exist, this also means B-sides exist, and today's email is a nod to some of my most loved Boredwalk b-sides that weren't nearly as appreciated by the public as they were by yours truly.

If I were a smart, responsible entrepreneur I'd discontinue these prints. They don't have the sales to support their existence, and I should leave 'em in the dustbin of Boredwalk history to make way for new things the public might enjoy more. I usually cull slow sellers about once a year, so before I have to bid these and other b-sides adieu, here's a little guided tour of art that I really loved that is definitely never gonna pay the bills.

I love the 80s outrun influence in this design. It feels very Phantasm (one of my favorite horror films). I like how the saturated neon pops on the black and how perfectly the quote encapsulates the first thing that comes to mind for me when people ask me how I'm doing.
This is one of my most favorite color pairings that we've ever done. I like how it draws from so many thing we love — deserts, science fiction, vintage tourism posters, pulp sci-fi novel covers, and even 1980s graphic design. The image used for the desert setting is actually one that Matt snapped on a weekend in Joshua Tree.

I generally like this classic horror novel aesthetic and think it translates nicely to shirt design, but it's never sold well for us. As a pessimist, I've always appreciated this take on lights at the end of tunnels, and think we really captured this idea well in this piece.
We paired our love of classic rock tees and vintage horror novel covers for this existential angst soaked piece. I have often felt this phrase best represents my own condition and my general discontent with being.
I like that this statement is about two things: people who think they know it all AND people who don’t realize how much they know. Our use of the mid-century psych text book aesthetic pairs perfectly with this disappointing truth about humanity.
This design combines my fondness of horror and the cutesy character design of the 1970s and 80s. What I really appreciate is how the iconography subverts the meaning of this tired toxic positivity trope.
If Hanna-Barbera were goths I imagine this is the sort of kids TV they'd come up with. This one really has it all — 1960s influenced character design, a nod to classic horror, and even the tire treads on their car are little bats! I love thinking about Dracula and Wolf Man on a madcap cross-country adventure. I'd definitely watch that buddy comedy!
Want some more amusement? Check out the newest episode of the Boredwalk podcast! This week Tess, Grace, and Josh from the creator team take over! They discuss adults engaging in baby talk, Tess's childhood horse obsession, and their most expensive mistakes. Grace waxes poetic about vintage hippy fashion, while Josh carries water for the apex of 90s apparel: No Fear t-shirts. This hilarious and wide-ranging conversation largely happened because they answered a few questions from our Delve Deck. Listen on your favorite podcasting platform! 
OK, before I send you on your way back to the drudgery of the outside world, would you like a few notable April 28th birthdays and historical facts to kick off the weekend? Of course you would! Here are a few...
• Born on this day: actress Penélope Cruz (1974), actress Jessica Alba (1981), comedian and TV host Jay Leno (1950), industrialist/humanitarian Oskar Schindler (1908), Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan (1960), author Harper Lee (1926), and author Terry Pratchett (1948)
• Benito Mussolini was executed on this day in 1945
 Maryland became the 7th state in the US on this day in 1788. Happy birthday to the Free State. Go O's!
• Finally, Pan American Airways (aka Pan Am) flew the first commercial flight across the Pacific on this day in 1937
OK, that's it for this week! We'll be back here in your inbox on Monday with another email and (hopefully) a fresh customer Q&A! If you'd like to be featured in an upcoming email reply to this and let us know!
Peace, love, and b-sides,