Firing Up Our Cauldron For The Season of the Witch
We know there's barely a chill in the air, but we're already thinking of winter, and this new Witch Girl Winter shirt is perfect for setting the mood. Hot Girl Summer and Christian Girl Autumn may have ruled the roost earlier this year, but we're ready to spend the winter embracing our witchy side.
What's making us want to hex people this week? Take a listen to the newest podcast episode and find out! This week we've got our ire up about:
- Counterfeiters (as usual)
- Trump supporters taking the time of their no doubt busy day of telling people to go back where they came from to let us know we lost them as a customer (News Flash: we weren't trying to find you!)
- DMV shenanigans
- Nonsensical sales pitches in our inbox
We'll be back next week with more new designs, another new podcast episode, a fresh Boredwalk Community Spotlight Q&A, and more eye rolls for society! Until then...
Peace, Love, and Broomsticks,
Boredwalk Community: Meditation and Homophone Ire
Welcome to our weekly Boredwalk Community series, where we ask Boredwalk fans fun questions! This week we're talking to Ellen G. of Dallas TX, who's looking sharp in a Support Your Local Library v-neck t-shirt.
1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
Right now I work as a middle school English teacher, which is a pretty awesome job. I think my dream job would be working in radio broadcasting. I would love to a host a Diane Rehm style radio show.
If you could have any super power what would it be?
I wish I were able to fly! I'd save a ton on airfare.
What experience do you most want to cross off your bucket list?
I'd really like to travel to Africa, either Zanzibar or Senegal.
What's your biggest pet peeve?
I've noticed lately that a lot of people use then/than incorrectly on social media. I don't know why, but it really drives me crazy.
You can curse a nemesis with a minor annoyance, what do you choose?
Every soda they open has been shaken up.
What's a life pro tip the Boredwalk community needs to know?
I've been focusing on meditation a lot lately. Today's society is so go-go-go. It's important to take time for yourself and maintain your inner peace.
Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you?
I'm on Instagram as @the_multifarian. You can also find me on the web at
IKEA: Where fragile relationships go to die.
Shoehorns & Shitty Side Salads
We hope you enjoy the episode!
We'll be back next week with more new designs, another Boredwalk Community Spotlight Q&A, a new podcast episode, and hopefully a less despairing blog post — fingers crossed! Until then...
Peace, love, and caring,
p.s. - Don't forget to enter to win the American Herstory giveaway if you haven't yet! Entries close on August 30th, which is today!
Boredwalk Community: Having Double The Fun
Welcome to our weekly Boredwalk Community series, where we ask Boredwalk fans fun questions! This week we're talking to Charlie R. of Chicago IL, who's looking sharp in a My Head Says Salad But My Heart Says Pizza T-Shirt.
1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
My actual day job is being the Nurse Manager for the Cardiac Catheterization and Electrophysiology Labs at the hospital I work for. I oversee a group of amazingly talented nurses, radiology technologists, and ancillary staff who, simply put, save lives everyday. When I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist and then a veterinarian after watching Free Willy and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies a million times growing up, but I soon realized my passion for taking care of humans and eventually followed both of my parent's footsteps into the nursing field. Honestly speaking, I am fortunate to be working my dream job everyday! (Ed. note: congrats, Charlie! That's awesome!)
2. What's your biggest pet peeve?
I have a couple basic pet peeves that kind of irk me on a regular basis, but two that have recently made a huge resurgence are the "know it all" types or those who truly believe that the world revolves around them. Whether it's in my personal or professional life, I have noticed that conversations have leaned towards a self-centered tone more than usual lately and I don't know where it's coming from — something in the air? (And here we thought it was just us dealing with those people...)
3. If you could have any super power what would it be and why?
Although my favorite superhero is Storm, if I were to have my own powers I'd definitely want the ability to heal people — cure illness/injury, mental or physical. Enough said.
4. What experience do you most want to cross off your bucket list?
Last year I was fortunate enough to cross off my top bucket list item — spending a day with an elephant (in Thailand) — and it literally was one of the best days of my life. With that off the list, I definitely am working on another one, which is to visit each of the six inhabitable continents during my lifetime — Africa & Australia, get ready!
5. Clear up a misconception (about your job, where you are from, some other topic you know a lot about.)
As a blonde and a brunette...I guess we have double the fun!!! 😉
6. You can curse your nemesis with a minor annoyance for eternity; what do you choose?
Great question, and I think I'd have to say being extremely prone to paper cuts. They don't necessarily hurt, but they stop you in your tracks! (Yikes! Don't cross Charlie, folks!)
7. Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you?
Instagram: @nursecharlie
Beauty? Pssh. It's braaaiiiinnnns you want!
All bad days. Every single one of them.
Boredwalk Community: A Fine Line Between Confident and Arrogant
Welcome to our weekly Boredwalk Community series, where we ask Boredwalk fans fun questions! This week we're talking to John H. of Indianapolis IN , who's looking sharp in a Bad Vibes Only shirt.
1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
Assistant Director of the Indiana Athletic Commission. I sanction and license pro MMA and boxing athletes for the state. I'm currently working my dream job, but a bigger, more active commission would be awesome!
2. What's your biggest pet peeve?
Arrogance. There's a fine line between being confident and arrogant. Too many people cross this line. (Ed. note: Agree 100%)
3. What's the most useful piece of advice you've ever received?
Be the light.
4. What experience do you most want to cross off your bucket list?
Watching at least one game live in each NHL arena.
5. Clear up a misconception (about your job, where you are from, some other topic you know a lot about.)
Not every event is as glamorous as a UFC event...and not every venue has air conditioning.
6. You can curse your nemesis with a minor annoyance for eternity; what do you choose?
That their phone charging cord be broken just enough to where they have to hold it in a certain position to charge it. (That is some next-level cursing, my dude.)
7. Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you?
Instagram: @hawxb (Ed. note:so many cute kitty pics!)
Twitter: @hawxby
Look sharp, jazz cats!
Whew! We made it, folks. Another week in the books. Thank goodness it's Friday, amirite? Time to sit back, relax, throw on some Ornette Coleman, and roast that bone. At least that's how I plan to spend the weekend. Luckily I designed the perfect new shirt for such an endeavor!
And if your stuffy parents get all high and mighty about reefer being the Devil's lettuce, just gently remind them that cannabis and jazz go together about as seamlessly as cats and napping. Cab Calloway wrote a song called 'Reefer Man', after all, and national treasure Louis Armstrong's epic appetite for the sticky icky is well-documented. Maybe your folks should try not being so square.
As much as cannabis and jazz complement each other, you know what doesn't? Grapefruit-flavored rosé wine. I know, right? Utterly disgusting. Meredith and I delve into that in this week's podcast intro. We also welcome a new team member, share some reviews (including our very first review of the podcast!), shame some inept vendors and disinterested billboard hangers, and chat with Rachel Smith of Pride Socks!
Pride Socks is one of the co-sponsors of this month's American Herstory giveaway, and we talk to Rachel about the brand's genesis, her own background, and how Pride Socks helps its customers feel empowered to meet whatever challenges come their way. It's very inspiring!
We'll be back next week with a new community spotlight Q&A, more new designs, details about the new giveaway, and another new podcast episode! Maybe we'll have a second review to read on the air! Until next time...
Peace, love, and 6/8 time signatures,
Boredwalk Community: Nachos and Orange La Croix
Welcome to our weekly Boredwalk Community series, where we ask Boredwalk fans fun questions! This week we're talking to Taffeta Darling of Dallas TX, who's looking sharp in a Someday We'll All Be Dead shirt.
1. What's your actual day job and what's your dream day job?
I research and catalog comic book art and illustrations as my day job, and honestly I always thought my dream job would be something I loved and succeeded in, and currently I'm working that dream. (Ed. note: that's rad!)
2. What keeps you up at night?
Usually my own rambling, 2AM, out of nowhere thoughts...but sometimes it's my neighbor's crying child or the other neighbor's barking dog.
3. What's a life pro tip the rest of the Boredwalk community should know?
"Know when to hold them, and know when to fold them"...brilliant advice courtesy of Kenny Rogers. (He just dropped in to see what condition his chicken was in.)
4. What's a surprising fact about you?
I make the best vegetarian nachos around.
5. What's your go-to snack?
My go-to snack is a combo of chips and salsa with either an Orange La Croix or Diet Pepsi.
6. Where can the rest of the Boredwalk community find you?
Instagram: @TheTaffetaDarling
Facebook: The Fangirls of Dallas
Getting meta AF with blasphemy!
Here's a not-very-serious-at-all question: is the above sacrilegious exclamation depicted on our new Lucifer Fucking Morningstar shirt more or less blasphemous than the traditional version featuring Jesus Christ? On the one hand, how blasphemous can the phrase "Lucifer Fucking Morningstar" really be if he's essentially the OG blasphemer? Wouldn't you expect Satan to approve of such a linguistically coarse homage? One would think so, at least.
Yet on the other hand, replacing the (alleged) son of God with the King of Evil would seem to be doubling down on the blasphemy, wouldn't it? Say what you will about the exclamation "Jesus Fucking Christ", but our (alleged) lord & savior's name is still in there, bookending "fucking" and shining his light or whatever, thereby undercutting the severity of the blasphemy. In that context, "Jesus Fucking Christ" seems kinda...blasphemy-lite, y'know? Low energy, for sure.
Of course, Lucifer Morningstar is a fallen angel. Which by the transitive property makes him a son of God, too. Which in turn would render the phrase "Lucifer Fucking Morningstar" just as blasphemous as "Jesus Fucking Christ," right? So does that mean that really these two exclamations cancel one another out in the blasphemy sweepstakes? And if that's the case and in concert with one another they achieve a sort of homeostatic equilibrium of language — neither blasphemous nor holy — does that equal linguistic...purgatory? 🤯
LOL, I'm just kidding — none of this matters one bit. We're all sentient meat sacks that are hurtling toward our inevitable ends — hooray!
Double-hooray? It's Friday, folks!
In addition to that sweet new design, we also have a swell new podcast episode for your listening pleasure! Over the next few weeks we'll be chatting with the awesome women who founded and run the various brands that we're partnering with this month for our upcoming American Herstory Giveaway, which we put together in honor of August 18th being the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution that granted women the right to vote. Yay enfranchisement!
First up is Dina Rodriguez of Dina is a creative dynamo who has turned her love of art, appreciation of cannabis, and devotion to body positivity & mental health into a thriving business selling empowering products and teaching others about hand-lettering, illustration, and other cool stuff. She's funny, knows her way around a swear word, and generally is one bad-ass human being. Enjoy!
We'll be back next week with more (likely PG-rated) new designs, another (probably R-rated) podcast episode, and hopefully an exciting update on our hiring search! Until then...
Peace, love, and swearing,